[5743] 整形の実現 
2007/1/14 (日) 05:46:09 しまけん
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ja; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/
Eclipse の format 機能のように、事前設定通りに整形するにはどうしたらいいでしょうか?


Select USER_NAME, USER_id 
where sal >     10 and entry_date = (select entry_date from t_date where id = '9')


SELECT user_name
     , user_id
  FROM t_users
 WHERE sal > 10
   AND entry_date = ( SELECT entry_date
                        FROM t_date
                       WHERE id = '9'


[5745] RE: 整形の実現 
2007/1/16 (火) 01:51:37 maru
>Eclipse の format 機能のように、事前設定通りに整形するにはどうしたらいいでしょうか?


[5765] Re2: 整形の実現 
2007/1/25 (木) 12:06:29 すす
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Lunascape 3.0.4)
▼ maruさん
> なかなかお利巧な機能ですね。地道にマクロで挑戦するしか…。

        mess:String;                                                // メッセージ出力用変数
        org_str,target,w_str:String;                // 文字保存用変数
        tmp1,tmp2,w_tmp:String;                                // 文字判定用ワーク変数
        CRLF,TAB:String;                                        // 制御コード保持用変数
        byte:Integer;                                                // 変換対象文字列サイズ
        pt:Integer;                                                        // 変換対象文字列ポインター
        t_flg:Integer;                                                // インデント数
        i_cnt:Integer;                                                // インデント挿入用カウンター
        f_flg:Integer;                                                // '('のあと副問い合わせがある場合')'でインデント数を-2するフラグ
        s_flg:Integer;                                                // '('の前にキーワードがある場合改行するフラグ

        CRLF  := '
        TAB  := '        ';
        org_str := S_GetSelectedString(0);
        byte := Length(org_str);
        if (byte=0) then
                        org_str := S_GetSelectedString(0);
                        byte := Length(org_str);
        pt := 1;
        t_flg := 0;
        f_flg := 0;
        s_flg := 0;

        target := '';
        w_str := '';

        while (pt <= byte) do
                tmp1 := Copy(org_str,pt,1);
                tmp2 := Copy(org_str,pt,2);
                if ((tmp1=' ') or (tmp1=TAB) or (tmp1=',') or (tmp2 = CRLF) or (tmp1='(') or (tmp1=')') or (tmp1 = ';') ) then

[5766] Re2: 整形の実現 
2007/1/25 (木) 12:44:10 すす
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Lunascape 3.0.4)
                                w_tmp := LowerCase(Trim(w_str));
                                if ((w_tmp='select') or (w_tmp='update') or (w_tmp='commit') or (w_tmp='rollback') or (w_tmp='insert') or (w_tmp='delete') or (w_tmp='create') or (w_tmp='drop') or (w_tmp='truncate') or (w_tmp='alter')) then
                                                s_flg := 0;
                                                if (f_flg<>0) then f_flg := 2;
                                                i_cnt := 0;
                                                while (i_cnt < t_flg) do
                                                        target := target + TAB;
                                                        i_cnt := i_cnt + 1;
                                                if ((w_tmp='select') or (w_tmp='update') or (w_tmp='commit') or (w_tmp='rollback')) then
                                                                t_flg := t_flg + 1;
                                                                target := target + Trim(w_str) + CRLF;
                                                                target := target + Trim(w_str) + ' ';
                                else if ((w_tmp='values') or (w_tmp='set') or (w_tmp='from') or (w_tmp='where') or (w_tmp='having') or (w_tmp='group') or (w_tmp='order')) then
                                                if (w_tmp='values') then
                                                                 s_flg := 2;

[5767] Re2: 整形の実現 
2007/1/25 (木) 12:45:02 すす
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Lunascape 3.0.4)
                                                                 s_flg := 0;
                                                                target := target + CRLF;
                                                if (f_flg<>0) then f_flg := 2;
                                                t_flg := t_flg - 1;
                                                i_cnt := 0;
                                                while (i_cnt < t_flg) do
                                                        target := target + TAB;
                                                        i_cnt := i_cnt + 1;
                                                if ((w_tmp='group') or (w_tmp='order')) then
                                                                target := target + Trim(w_str) + ' ';
                                                                t_flg := t_flg + 1;
                                                                target := target + Trim(w_str) + CRLF;
                                else if ((w_tmp='and') or (w_tmp='or') or (w_tmp='table') or (w_tmp='view') or (w_tmp='index') or (w_tmp='by') or (w_tmp='into')) then
                                                s_flg := 0;
                                                if ((w_tmp='table') or (w_tmp='view') or (w_tmp='index')) then
                                                                target :=target + Trim(w_str) + ' ';
                                                else if ((w_tmp='by') or (w_tmp='into')) then
                                                                target := target + Trim(w_str) + CRLF;
                                                                t_flg := t_flg + 1;

[5768] Re2: 整形の実現 
2007/1/25 (木) 12:45:49 すす
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Lunascape 3.0.4)

                                                                target :=target + ' ' + Trim(w_str) + CRLF;
                                else if (tmp1=',') then
                                                s_flg := 2;
                                                i_cnt := 0;
                                                while (i_cnt < t_flg) do
                                                        target := target + TAB;
                                                        i_cnt := i_cnt + 1;
                                                target := target + Trim(w_str) + tmp1 + CRLF;
                                else if (tmp1='(') then
                                                f_flg := 1;
                                                if (s_flg=1) then target := target + CRLF;
                                                if (Length(w_tmp) <> 0) then
                                                                s_flg := 1;
                                                                i_cnt := 0;
                                                                while (i_cnt < t_flg) do
                                                                        target := target + TAB;
                                                                        i_cnt := i_cnt + 1;
                                                                target := target + Trim(w_str) + CRLF;
                                                i_cnt := 0;
                                                while (i_cnt < t_flg) do
                                                        target := target + TAB;
                                                        i_cnt := i_cnt + 1;
                                                t_flg := t_flg + 1;
                                                target := target + tmp1 + CRLF;
                                else if (tmp1=')') then

[5769] Re2: 整形の実現 
2007/1/25 (木) 12:46:42 すす
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Lunascape 3.0.4)
                                                if (Length(w_tmp) <> 0) then
                                                                i_cnt := 0;
                                                                while (i_cnt < t_flg) do
                                                                        target := target + TAB;
                                                                        i_cnt := i_cnt + 1;
                                                target := target + Trim(w_str) + CRLF;
// mess := 'f_flg[' +inttostr(f_flg) + ']' + target + CRLF;
// MessageBox(mess,'選択中の文字列',0);
                                                if (f_flg=2) then t_flg := t_flg - 2 else t_flg := t_flg - 1;
                                                i_cnt := 0;
                                                while (i_cnt < t_flg) do
                                                        target := target + TAB;
                                                        i_cnt := i_cnt + 1;
                                                target := target + tmp1 + CRLF;
                                                if (t_flg<0) then t_flg := 0;
                                                f_flg := 0;
                                else if (tmp1=';') then
                                                if (Length(w_tmp) <> 0) then
                                                                i_cnt := 0;
                                                                while (i_cnt < t_flg) do
                                                                        target := target + TAB;
                                                                        i_cnt := i_cnt + 1;
                                                t_flg := 0;
                                                f_flg := 0;
                                                s_flg := 0;

[5770] Re2: 整形の実現 
2007/1/25 (木) 12:47:17 すす
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Lunascape 3.0.4)
                                                target := target + Trim(w_str) + ';' + CRLF;
                                                if (Length(w_tmp) <> 0) then
                                                                i_cnt := 0;
                                                                while (i_cnt < t_flg) do
                                                                        target := target + TAB;
                                                                        i_cnt := i_cnt + 1;
                                                if (tmp2 = CRLF) then
                                                                target := target + Trim(w_str);
                                                                if (Length(w_tmp) <> 0) then s_flg := 1;
                                                                if ((tmp1<>TAB) and (tmp1<>' ')) then
                                                                                target := target + Trim(w_str) + tmp1;
                                                                                s_flg := 0;
                                                                                target := target + Trim(w_str);
                                                                                if (s_flg<>2) then s_flg := 1;
                                w_str := '';
                                w_str := w_str + tmp1;
                pt := pt + 1;
        if (w_str<>'') then target := target + Trim(w_str);
        target := target + CRLF;

Cyclamen v3.81